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篇名 核心素養在知覺課程與運作課程的轉化初探:以國小數學領域為例
卷期 275
並列篇名 Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of Competency-based Curriculum: A Case Study on Elementary School Mathematics Teachers
作者 鄭章華
頁次 064-080
關鍵字 十二年國教核心素養素養導向數學教育12-year basic educationcompetency-based teachingkey competencymathematics education
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275005




This study investigated two experienced elementary mathematics teachers’ view on competency-based instruction and their teaching in the classroom. The teachers participated in the professional learning community established by the researcher and compiled competency-based teaching modules in mathematics for 12-year basic education. The researcher conducted the semi-structured interview with the teachers as well as analyzed the teaching modules to learn their understanding of the competency-based curriculum. Research findings suggest that the case teachers’ idea of the competency-based curriculum include five of the nine competencies proposed by 12-year Basic Education Guidelines. When the case teacher applied the teaching modules to teach in the classroom, students’ mathematical thinking was the core of the teacher’s teaching. She used classroom discourse well to explore students’ ideas, invited them to participate in the mathematical discussions, and asked students to clarify their points of views. The teachers’ understanding of competency-based curriculum refl ected in their instruction. This preliminary study reveals a way of competencybased instruction. Subsequent studies are suggested to conduct to uncover the whole picture of competency-based instruction.
