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篇名 探索十二年國民基本教育自然科學素養導向教學設計
卷期 275
並列篇名 Exploring Instructional Design for Taiwan Twelve Year Basic Education Curriculum Using a Science Literacy Approach
作者 黃茂在吳敏而
頁次 081-098
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育科學素養教學設計原則素養導向教學12-year basic educationscience literacyinstructional design principlescompetency based instruction
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275006




The 12-year Basic Education Curriculum of Taiwan has adopted “Core Competency” as its developmental approach, with implementation planned for the 2018 academic year. Educators are exploring ways to enable a smooth transition, including the development of instructional materials, instructional methods, and assessment tools. This article discusses the design of science curriculum concepts based on a literature review of developmental trends in science literacy and curriculum design. It presents 5 aspects of curriculum and instruction in response to the new focus on science literacy development. The authors has produced a science unit on “heat transfer” based on the 5 aspects presented above. This unit was developed as a team effort that included preliminary theoretical discussions, several iterations of trial teaching, each followed by refl ective group discussions. The paper ends with 5 instructional design principles: 1. Grasping big ideas and asking essential questions; 2. Helping students “see” and monitor their own learning processes and outcomes; 3. Developing multiple teaching/learning models and fostering rich learning experiences; 4. Scaffolding to enable independent inquiry learning; and 5. Developing multiple formative assessment tools. We hope our efforts will stimulate more research and development to help teachers grasp instructional design principles that enable science literacy based instruction.
