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篇名 十二年國民基本教育國語文素養導向教學課程論述與設計理念
卷期 275
並列篇名 Preliminary Discussion on the Discourses of Curriculum Designs of the Literacy-based Mandarin Education in 12-Year Basic Education Curricula
作者 蔡曉楓
頁次 099-113
關鍵字 十二年國教課程國語文素養12-year basic education curriculaMandarin Chineseliteracy
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275007




The article focused on the core issues of developing literacy-based curriculum in Mandarin education regarding to the implementation of 12-Year Basic Education Curricula. In the past 10 years, the discussions of “literacy” emerged rapidly and became one of the main research topics in the fi eld of Mandarin Education, owing to our participation on the PISA and PIRLS. Until now, many studies focused on promoting young readers’ reading literacy have created profound pedagogical discourses of literacy. However, it’s not until the new curriculum guidelines the Taiwan government formally adopted the discourses of literacy education in the documents of national curriculum. Hence, to start over the discussion of literacy education in our school systems, content analysis of new curriculum guidelines of Mandarin and a brief review of discourses on “literacies” and “competences” in fi rst language education were demonstrated to reveal the characteristics of literacy-based curriculum in the future. Also, the educational theory of M. A. K. Holliday has been introduced as one of the suggested theoretical backgrounds of curriculum development in language class. In the end, the article suggested that the literacy-based pedagogy in Mandarin should consider the processes of language learning, which includes the ways that language learners engaging with texts to process inner and outside cognitive activities; the contexts that the language learners to use texts; the medium of the texts; and the right attitude to use texts regarding to variety of social and cultural contexts.
