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篇名 培養學生素養的課程及教學策略:香港經驗
卷期 275
並列篇名 Curricular and Instruction Strategies for Nurturing Students’ Competencies: The Hong Kong Experience
作者 林智中張僑平
頁次 114-126
關鍵字 核心素養素養導向的教育課程改革Key competencycompetence-oriented educationcurriculum reform
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/168063602017030275008




In recent years, many places have adopted the concept of key competency as the basis of developing school curriculum. Researchers and academics are still debating the defi nition and nature of key competencies. Yet, they have come to some common understanding of what key competency is. However, it is not yet clear how to nurture students’ key competencies. This paper reports the experiences of Hong Kong in nurturing students’ key competencies. The experience of Hong Kong is refl ected through analyzing the theories on key competence, and the implementation of curriculum and instruction reform since 2001.
