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篇名 Tension Pneumothorax during One-lung Ventilation for Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) Using a Single-incision Subxiphoid Approach for Bilateral Lung Tumor Resection
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 經劍突下單孔胸腔鏡雙側肺腫瘤切除手術於單肺通氣時併發張力性氣胸
作者 陳柏亨蕭斯云王瑞琪汪志雄李欣恩
頁次 019-024
關鍵字 Single-incision subxiphoid approach video-assisted thoracoscopic surgeryDesaturationTension pneumothoraxLung tumor resectionOne lung ventilationAnesthesia經劍突下單孔胸腔鏡手術缺氧張力性氣胸肺腫瘤切除單肺通氣麻醉
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/181020932017031501003




Traditionally, up to six incisions are required for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for bilateral lung tumor resection. Besides, change posture was required during operation. In this case report, a single-incision subxiphoid approach was used for VATS to shorten operation time and reduce postoperative pain; this approach may also lead to better cosmetic results. However, in the described case, after a right-side tumor was removed, an episode of desaturation due to right-side tension pneumothorax was observed during one-lung ventilation for left lung tumor resection. CO2 insufflation was ceased, and the patient’s condition improved. A literature review and suggestions for future similar surgeries are discussed.
