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篇名 Value of Computed Tomography for Examining Deep Penetrated Fish Bone with Atypical Symptoms: A Case Report
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 案例報告:電腦斷層攝影對於深入魚刺哽塞伴隨罕見症狀的臨床診斷價值
作者 吳奕葦劉致顯王拔群王永成黃志達Victoria Y. Wang
頁次 025-030
關鍵字 fish bone impactionshoulder painvertebral bodytransverse foramencomputed tomography魚刺哽塞肩膀痛脊椎椎體橫突孔電腦斷層攝影
出刊日期 201703
DOI 10.3966/181020932017031501004


一位58 歲女性在吞食魚刺後出現吞嚥疼痛及左側肩膀疼痛表現持續一天。頸部電 腦斷層攝影顯示在C2-C3 脊椎椎體前方有一針狀骨質顯影,橫向深入接近左側C3 頸 椎橫突孔及椎動脈。臨床上罕見位置的咽喉食道異物往往無法靠理學檢查或X-ray 確 診。本案例報告將特此提出利用電腦斷層攝影,探討咽喉食道異物伴隨非典型症狀於 臨床上的診斷價值。


A 58-year-old woman suffered from odynophagia with left shoulder pain 1 day after swallowing a piece of fish bone. Neck computed tomography (CT) revealed a linear calcific obstacle anterior to the C2 and C3 vertebral bodies, buried near the left transverse foramen and vertebral artery. Foreign body impaction in uncommon sites cannot be detected by a routine physical examination or plain radiography. In this case report, we discuss the value of using CT to diagnose foreign body impactions with atypical clinical presentation.
