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篇名 OECD國家教育績效研究:以PISA為例
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 OECD Countries Educational Performance - A Case Study on PISA
作者 彭開琼胡榮員
頁次 047-068
關鍵字 OECDPISA教育績效情境相依模式OECDPISAEducational PerformanceContext-Dependent Model
出刊日期 201703


本文以OECD國家與台灣為例,運用情境相依模式評估教育的相對 效率,並分成數個層級,探討各國的相對吸引力(attractiveness)和相對進 步力(progress),最後建立競爭優劣路徑圖,分析不同象限國家學習改善 方向,提供提升效率之參考。 根據實證結果,教育效率可分為五個層級,其中Level 2至Level 4 可建立競爭優劣路徑,以Level 2國家為例,匈牙利、葡萄牙為高吸引力、 低進步力的國家,有三種提升效率策略,一為保持高相對吸引力、降低 相對進步力,如墨西哥;二為提高相對吸引力、降低相對進步力,如盧 森堡、愛爾蘭;三為提高相對吸引力、維持低相對進步力,如芬蘭、希 臘、韓國。


Recent years have seen growing importance placed on research in educational quality and performance. The purpose of the study in this article was to compare the OECD countries and Taiwan educational performance. The method to carry out this study was using Context-dependent Model of DEA. Subjects were PISA results of the OECD countries and Taiwan. The Context Dependent Model showed that the attractiveness of Taiwan was the strongest and other levels of countries were characterized by different attractiveness and improvement in progress. The path of competitive advantages and disadvantages showed that Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Norway performance were better. However, Portugal, Hungary, Mexico, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Austria, Netherlands, France, Spain need to adjust the education policy and learning approaches for enhance the performance of education.
