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篇名 以積木為媒介對於自閉症孩童的成效回顧
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 A Review of Blocks as Therapeutic Medium for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
作者 柯冠伶周映君
頁次 214-229
關鍵字 自閉症積木遊戲樂高AutismBuilding BlocksLegoTSCI
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.6594/JTOTA.2016.34(2).04


目的:文獻顯示自閉症類群障礙症(Autism Spectrum Disorder,簡稱ASD) 對於積木有著相對較高的興趣,其中積木為常見的建構性遊戲,因此本文將透過 文獻回顧之方式,探討以積木為媒介對於ASD 孩童的成效。方法:關鍵字以autism spectrum disorder/ autistic disorder/ Asperger syndrome/ pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified/ constructive play/ building blocks/ brick/ LEGO 搜尋 以下資料庫 Pubmed, OT seeker, Dynamed, Trip Database,蒐集1980-2015 年之文獻, 納入以ASD 為目標族群,積木為治療媒介之文獻並進行實證等級分級以及資料統 整。結果:本文共收錄七篇研究,結果發現大多為針對社交技巧及遊戲行為進行 介入,介入方式則分為具有系統性的樂高治療以及非系統性的介入,其中在社交 技巧上有四篇是具有顯著差異的,兩篇未達顯著差異,在遊戲行為方面,則未達 到顯著差異。結論:由回顧結果可知利用ASD 兒童之優勢以及興趣之玩具,如積 木,在介入社交技巧方面是具有潛力的。


Introduction: Studies have showed that the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tends to show more interest in building blocks, but the research that focuses on using building blocks as therapeutic medium is scarce. The purpose of this study is to explore interventions and the effectiveness of using building blocks as a therapeutic medium for children with ASD. Method: The researchers used autism spectrum disorder/ autistic disorder/ Asperger syndrome/ pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified/ constructive play/ building blocks/ brick/ LEGO as keywords to collect articles from 1980-2015 on PubMed, OT seeker, Dynamed, Trip Database. Results: This paper reviewed 7 articles. It has found that most of the interventions were focusing on social skill and play skill. The interventions can be categorized into two groups: systematic intervention (Lego therapy) and non-systematic intervention. In social skill, 4 of 6 articles have achieved significant difference. In play skill, no article has achieved the significant difference. Conclusion: According to the results, using ASD children’s advantage and interest, such as building blocks, can effectively improve social skills.
