
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 台灣二萬五千分之一地形圖早期測繪之探討
卷期 25/26
並列篇名 A Discussion on Early Days Surveying and Mapping of Taiwan 1/25,000 Topographic Maps
作者 許哲明
頁次 010-018
關鍵字 地形圖圖組號假製版圖式像片鑲嵌圖topographic mapseries numberfalse platetopographic symbolsphotomosaic
出刊日期 201611




In this paper, the three versions of early days (1921∼1960) Taiwan 1/25,000 topographic maps are discussed, the first Japanese Ministry of Land Surveying (JMLS) version is the first version based on field survey; Second Army Map Service (AMS) version is to prepare the three-dimensional aerial survey; third China Map Service (CMS) version is used on JMLS version and AMS version plus photos and revision surveying copy map, map making survey given to research. In summary, aims at the Japanese system, America system two sets of series map production background, covering the area, each version number of painting and mapping technology to analysis and summarize.
