
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 基於地名業務推廣及應用:「地名資訊服務網」建置
卷期 25/26
並列篇名 Establish Geographic Names Information System of Taiwan Based on Geographic Names Management and Applications
作者 邱繼珉劉新達鄭宏逵
頁次 019-040
關鍵字 地名地理資訊系統GeonamesGeographic Information SystemLand Surveying and Mapping Act
出刊日期 201611


地名是人類對某特定地點或地區所賦予之專有名稱,可用於識別特定地理位置與範圍並 與該地區的地理環境、社群聚落、政治背景、人文特色及歷史脈絡息息相關,依據「國 土測繪法」,內政部為我國地名管理之中央主管機關,歷年來已辦理多項工作計畫且 成果豐碩,為整合我國地名資訊,提供完整地名資訊服務,於民國104年7月1日上線的 「地名資訊服務網」(http://gn.moi.gov.tw) 整合我國歷年地名成果,提供地名查詢、 譯寫、管理、應用推廣等各項服務,為國內地名資訊最豐富且已整合為地名管理業務單 一入口網站,本文基於地名業務推廣及應用,報導我國地名業務發展及地名資訊服務網 建置成果,包含地名業務推動歷程、地名資訊服務網介紹、地名成果應用推廣、以及未 來工作之相關建議。


Geographic names are the names that people use to refer to the designatedplaces or area. Geographic names can be used to recognize specific location and territory, andthey also connected to geographic setting, social community, political, and culture. In Taiwan, Ministry of Interior (MOI) is the authority of the geographic names management according to the Land Surveying and Mapping Law. For geographic names management, many projects have been finished and generatedremarkable results in past years. In order to provide fullyweb service of geographic names, Geographic Names Information System of Taiwan (http://gn.moi.gov.tw) integrating geographic names management results in past years offers query, translation, management, and application of geographic names in Taiwan. The system has been the one-stop portal of geographic names management in Taiwan. This paper is based on geographic names management and applications to highlight the development of geographic names management and the characteristics of Geographic Names System of Taiwan. The major scheme includes the history review of geographic names managementof Taiwan, the characteristics of Geographic Names Information System, the results ofpopularized applications and suggestions for the future work.
