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篇名 A Case of Massive Spontaneous Omental Bleeding
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 大網膜自發性大量出血:個案報告
作者 陳穎玲陳國智連楚明王宗倫張志華
頁次 085-090
關鍵字 omentumhemoperitoneumshockultrasound大網膜腹腔內出血休克超音波
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.3966/181020932017061502003




We reported a rare but deadly case of massive spontaneous omental bleeding. This 40 year-old male who did not have any specific past medical history and any known cardiovascular risk factors, presented with decompensated hemorrhagic shock and respiratory failure. After resuscitation, he was successfully managed with emergent laparotomy and partial omentectomy. Pathology revealed focal septic emboli in multiple ruptured omental arteries associated with acute and chronic inflammation. Patients with stable vital signs should receive confirmatory CT scan followed by transarterial embolization if available, whereas patients with unstable vital signs should undergo immediate exploratory laparotomy.
