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篇名 靖康前後日常秩序的變調──李綱的行跡與視角
卷期 59
並列篇名 Convulsions of the Social Order during the Northern-Southern Song Transition: Testimony from the Travels of Li Gang
作者 吳雅婷
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 李綱靖康之變方臘宦遊日常秩序Li GangJingkang IncidentFangla IncidentOfficial TravelSocial OrderTHCITSCI
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.2017.59.01


「靖康之變」傾覆北宋政權,擾亂社會秩序,本文以北宋末、南宋 初著名官員李綱(1083-1140)的行跡與經驗為軸,希望透過他在「事變」 當下的應對,理解宋帝國的實況與性質。首先由李綱的宦遊行跡,勾勒 12 世紀宋帝國日常的步調,析論李綱的心像。次則以方臘之亂時士人官 員的見聞和流徙際遇,呈現其人之地方經驗。再指出靖康之變對於地方、 訊息、人流的干擾,以見帝國失序之一斑。最後是紹興年間,李綱率領 家族落腳福建,觀察南北宋之際士人官僚家族被迫移動,祖居故里仍為 避難謀生的重要選項。透過李綱等人於時局中的載浮載沉,順從失向, 以四個階段與各自的核心議題串連起南北宋之際的歷史圖像,亦揭示帝 國之不均質,及其運作與應變。


This research aims to explore the social circumstances of Song China, presenting and discussing the travel path and life experiences of Li Gang, a well-known government official, during the period of the late Northern Song and early Southern Song. This article is chronologically arranged. The first section presents the everyday lives in the Northern Song and Li Gang’s impressions on his official travels. Through notes and chorography, the second section analyzes the local experiences of officials and literati of the Fangla Incident. The third section illustrates the chaotic circumstances in Song China, by examining disturbances in local society, and the migration and misinformation that resulted from the Jingkang Incident. The final section analyzes the meanings of the choices in relocation. When officials were forced to migrate, returning to their hometown or ancestral home was one of the primary choices. Li Gang and his family, moved back to Fujian Province, where they were from. The experiences of people like Li Gang during the chaotic time between the Northern and Southern Song shows that Song China was not homogenous but locally varied, leading us to rethink the “Song Empire.”
