
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 Opportunities and Challenges of Building International Connectivity: The Indian Perspective on China’s “One Belt and One Road” Initiative
卷期 60:2
並列篇名 建立國際連結的機會與挑戰:印度對於中國「一帶一路」計畫的觀點
作者 方天賜
頁次 087-108
關鍵字 One Belt One RoadInternational ConnectivityChina-Pakistan Economic CorridorBangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor一帶一路國際連結中巴經濟走郎孟中印緬經濟走廊TSSCI
出刊日期 201706


印度是中國規劃「絲綢之路經濟帶」和「21 世紀海上絲綢之路」(「一帶 一路」)的沿線國家之一。但新德里迄今尚未決定是否加入此計畫。事實 上,印度內部對於加入與否有不同意見。為提供對此議題的不同分析角度, 本文將採用國際連結的觀點,來檢視印度對於「一帶一路」的政策及回應。 對印度而言,「一帶一路」雖提供經濟利益,卻也帶來地緣政治的隱憂。印 度在參與國際連結時,則傾向成為網絡的中心。綜合考量相關因素之下,本 文認為,印度可能有條件性地回應「一帶一路」計畫:即參加孟中印緬經濟 走廊建設,但反對中巴經濟走廊。


India is among the countries invited to join China’s initiative to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road(the OBOR). New Delhi has not yet decided whether to join. In fact, there is a diversity of opinion within India. This paper proposes an alternative perspective for examining India’s policy and responses to the OBOR from the perspective of international connectivity. For India, the OBOR presents both economic benefits and geopolitical concerns. Particularly, India prefers to be the hub of the network of international connectivity. To bracket the concerns together, this paper suggests that India may offer conditional support to the OBOR, join the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor (BCIM-EC), but oppose the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
