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篇名 教師專業學習社群知識分享、創意教學與社群召集人轉型領導關係之研究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships among Teacher’s Knowledge Sharing in a Professional Learning Community, Teachers’ Creative Teaching, and the Transformational Leadership of the Community Coordinator
作者 謝幸吟張正平郭俊麟
頁次 139-166
關鍵字 知識分享社群召集人教師專業學習社群創意教學轉型領導knowledge sharingcommunity coordinatorteachers’ professional learning communitycreative teachingtransformational leadership
出刊日期 201708
DOI 10.3966/207136492017081002006


本研究旨在探討國小教師專業學習社群知識分享、社群召集人轉型領導與教師創意教學 之關係。以臺南市104 年參與教育部精進教學計畫或教師專業發展評鑑計畫之教師專業 學習社群的公立國小教師為研究對象,採問卷調查法,正式有效研究樣本數為546 人。 研究結果發現: 教師專業學習社群知識分享與教師創意教學有正相關;社群召集人轉型 領導與教師創意教學有正相關;而社群召集人轉型領導在教師專業學習社群知識分享對 教師創意教學影響中具調節作用。


The study investigates the relationships among the knowledge sharing of elementary school teachers in a professional learning community, the transformational leadership of the community coordinator, and teachers’ creative teaching. Using researcher-developed questionnaires, the study adopted a survey research design to collect data from a valid sample of 546 teachers. They are public school teachers in Tainan City who are members of a teachers’ professional learning community, belonging to teacher evaluation and professional development projects supported by the Minister of Education in 2015. The study revealed that knowledge sharing among teachers in the professional learning community is positively related to their creative teaching. Similarly, the transformational leadership of the community coordinator is positively related to teachers’ creative teaching. Findings also presented that the transformational leadership of the community coordinator is a crucial moderator between the knowledge sharing of teachers in the professional learning community and their creative teaching.
