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篇名 從學校本位的觀點探討特殊教育學校課程計畫的發展
卷期 143
並列篇名 A Discussion of the School Curriculum Plan in Special Education Schools from the School-based Curriculum Perspectives
作者 林燕玲
頁次 019-026
關鍵字 特殊教育課程大綱特殊教育學校學校本位課程學校課程計畫school curriculum planschool-based curriculumspecial education curriculum guidelinespecial education school
出刊日期 201706
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2017.143.19-26




A school curriculum is a blueprint for students' learning. Special education schools are also leading the school curriculum development program in the light of the recent curriculum reform. However, whether these programs meet the needs of special education students deserves more attention. Based on schools’ experience in the implementation of "special education curriculum guidelines", this paper begins with the school-based view of the meaning and implementing of the school curriculum plan. Practical suggestions for special education schools will be provided.
