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篇名 婦女應力性尿失禁保守治療
卷期 21:5
並列篇名 Update of the Conservative Treatment for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence
作者 蕭聖謀
頁次 481-485
關鍵字 應力性尿失禁凱格爾運動體外電磁刺激陰道雷射治療stress urinary incontinenceKegel exerciseextracorporeal electromagnetic stimulationvaginal laser therapyTSCI
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2017.21(5).7


女性應力性尿失禁保守療法包括生活型態改善、凱格爾運動、藥物治療及其他治療等。生活型態 改善包括減輕體重等。凱格爾運動若是不易自己執行,可利用生理回饋輔助方式或體外電磁刺激治療。 藥物治療包括duloxetine、imipramine及局部陰道雌性素塗抹治療等。其他新興治療包括陰道雷射治療和 細胞治療等。本文將討論上述治療之成效,尤其是台灣本土研究資料之討論。


Conservative treatments for female stress urinary incontinence include lifestyle modification, Kegel exercise, pharmacologic therapy and the other treatments. Lifestyle modification includes loss of body weight. If patients have difficulties to perform Kegel exercise, they can receive biofeedback supplemental therapy or extracorporeal electromagnetic stimulation. Pharmacologic therapy includes duloxetine, imipramine and topical vaginal estrogen therapy. The other treatments include vaginal laser therapy and cell therapy. In this article, the efficacy of the above treatments, especially for the researches results from Taiwan, is discussed.
