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篇名 UGT1A1*28 Polymorphisms in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer : A Retrospective Study
卷期 15:3
並列篇名 檢測UGT1A1*28 基因多型性治療轉移性 大腸直腸癌之臨床經驗
作者 陳苓萍施盈逸張園鑫劉惠文宋詠娟
頁次 131-140
關鍵字 Colorectal cancerPolymorphismUGT1A1Irinotecan大腸直腸癌基因多型性UGT1A1irinotecan
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/181020932017091503002


目的:許多文獻已經證實轉移性大腸直腸癌UGT1A1 基因多型性影響化療藥物 irinotecan(抗癌妥)的副作用嚴重程度。然而目前少有台灣轉移性大腸直腸癌常規檢 驗UGT1A1 基因多型性的報告,因而藉由此研究分享國泰醫院的治療經驗。方法:收錄 2011 年至2013 年6 月間,於國泰醫院及汐止國泰醫院診斷為轉移性大腸直腸癌,且 病患接受第一線含有irinotecan 的化療處方,同時抽血檢測UGT1A1 基因多型性。本 研究回溯性分析上述病患特徵、治療、副作用及成效。結果:共104 人納入分析,其 中81 人(77.9%)為UGT1A1*28 野生基因型TA6/6,另外21 人(20.2%)為突變異 合子型TA6/7,僅2 人(1.9%)為突變同合子型TA7/7。在不同的UGT1A1*28 基因型間, 病人的化療藥物強度(p=0.395)、治療反應(p=0.450)、無疾病進展存活率(p=0.713) 及整體存活率(p=0.854)並未出現統計學差異。副作用方面,除白血球低下達到顯著 差異(p=0.015),其他副作用則在各基因型的發生率相仿,包含嗜中性白血球低下 (p=0.433)及腹瀉(p=0.896)。結論:在台灣,UGT1A1*28 突變同合子型TA7/7 並 非常見基因型,與irinotecan 相關的副作用在不同基因型僅呈現些微差異,推測是因為 臨床醫師會依據UGT1A1 基因型及病患整體條件調整化療藥物劑量,進而影響臨床副 作用發生頻率,未來還需更大規模的研究證實UGT1A1 基因型的實際影響。


Purpose: Polymorphism of the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) gene is known to be associated with an increased risk of irinotecan-induced toxicities in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma. However, limited data are available regarding the UGT1A1*28 genotype in Taiwanese patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Methods: Between January 2011 and June 2013, metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving first-line irinotecan-based chemotherapy at Cathay General Hospital and Sijhih Cathay General Hospital who underwent UGT1A1*28 genotyping were enrolled in the present study. Patient characteristics, treatments, adverse events, and outcomes were retrospectively analyzed. Results: In all, 104 patients were analyzed, including 81 (77.9%) with the homozygous wild type TA6/6, 21 (20.2%) with the heterozygous mutant type TA6/7, and 2 (1.9%) with the homozygous mutant type TA7/7. No significant difference in the irinotecan dose intensity was observed among genotypes (p = 0.395). Furthermore, no significant differences in tumor response (p = 0.450) or survival outcomes were observed (progression-free survival, p = 0.713; overall survival, p = 0.854). Neutropenia (p = 0.433) and diarrhea (p = 0.896) had a similar incidence among genotypes . Leukopenia (p = 0.015) was the only side effect that differed among subgroups. Conclusions: UGT1A1*28 genotype TA7/7 is uncommon in Taiwanese patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. A marginal statistical difference in irinotecan-related side effects was observed among genotypes. This finding may have been confounded by physicians adjusting the dosage on the basis of genotype and clinical information. Larger-scale studies are warranted to verify this finding.
