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篇名 Asymptomatic Bone Cement Leakage into Inferior Vena Cava during Cement Augmentation of Pedicle Screw for Osteoporotic Vertebral Collapse
卷期 15:3
並列篇名 骨質疏鬆性椎體塌陷骨水泥增強椎弓根螺釘 置入手術時無症狀性骨水泥滲漏到下腔靜脈
作者 陳昱豪孫瑞明張志儒謝政達
頁次 153-160
關鍵字 bone cementinferior vena cavaosteoporotic vertebral collapsevertebral augmentationspine surgery骨水泥下腔靜脈骨質疏鬆性椎體塌陷椎體增強手術脊椎手術
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/181020932017091503004


骨水泥增強椎骨螺釘置入術是治療骨質疏鬆性椎骨塌陷的重要手術過程,主要目 的是防止螺釘鬆動,移位或脫出。而手術中骨水泥滲漏是可能發生的,但大部份都不 壓迫脊椎椎體周圍组織,包含脊髓。然而,據我們所知,骨質疏鬆性椎體塌陷骨水泥 增強椎弓根螺釘置入手術時無症狀性骨水泥滲漏到下腔靜脈,在文獻中並被沒有報導 過。我們報告了一個84歲的男性,骨水泥增強椎骨螺釘置入術時,發生無症狀的水泥 滲漏到下腔靜脈的個案,並討論了可能的病理生理機制。


Bone cement augmentation of pedicle screw is an important surgical procedure for osteoporotic vertebral collapse, preventing screw loosening, migration or back-out. Bone cement leakage may develop and mostly does not compress the peripheral tissue of the vertebral body including the spinal cord. However, to our best knowledge, bone cement leakage into the inferior vena cava during cement augmentation of pedicle screws for osteoporotic vertebral collapse has been not reported in the literature. We reported an 84-year-old male with asymptomatic cement leakage into inferior vena cava during this procedure and the possible pathophysiological mechanism was also discussed.
