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篇名 陰間?地獄?—從新舊約文獻看死後世界概念的演變
卷期 2017
作者 黃根春周柬妮麥志立
頁次 029-060
出刊日期 201709




The biblical meaning of ‘life after death’ is continuously evolving. Its image and implications is shift from the “Hebrew Bible” to the “Jewish Apocalyptic Literature” and later the “Synoptic Gospels.” This shift is a dynamic development instead of a linear transformation from sheol to hell. It may even contain valuable information regarding the evolution of racial identity and hidden historical facts. By comparing literatures from scholars of different backgrounds, we infer that increased inter-cultural exchange over time was the reason behind the above mentioned shift (in the meaning of ‘life after death’). This shift, as a result, can be seen as the biblical meaning evolving under the cultural influence of neighboring regions. These cultural influences include, but are not limited to, racial consciousness, political environment, social customs, and literatures. It is therefore reasonable to consider the concept of ‘life after death’ a cultural hybrid.

