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篇名 An Elucidation of את in Genesis 4:1c as Attested in the Instruments of the Mediaeval Jewish Hebrew Scholarship and as Reflected in the Classic Jewish Commentaries
卷期 2017
作者 岳誠軒
頁次 061-082
關鍵字 Hebrew StudiesJewish ExegesisHistory of Hebrew ScholarshipHebrew LexicographyGenesis 4:1c
出刊日期 201709



The present paper examines how the Jewish exposition of אתײ in Genesis 4:1c found in the classic Jewish commentaries relied on or dovetailed with the study of את which was embodied in the lexica and grammars produced by the Jewish Hebrew scholars in the Middle Ages. This case study demonstrates the interdependence between the edifice of the Jewish exegesis and the instruments of the Hebrew scholarship invented by the mediaeval Jewish scholars.
