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篇名 中國祭天禮考原
卷期 2017
作者 孫祖芬
頁次 083-102
關鍵字 祭天禮古中國中華文化四書五經創造論Sacrifice to HeavenAncient ChinaChinese CultureThe Four Books and Five ClassicsCreationism
出刊日期 201709




Sacrifice to heaven had a influence on chinese culture. On the basis of Canon of Yao in the book of documents, sacrifice to heaven ceremony had been taking place in Yao and Shun Era about 2000 B.C., lasting for Four thousand years until R.O.C. was founded. Although the four books and five classics had recorded sacrifice to heaven and strong ethics of sanctification, these classics was forbidden in 1916 A.D. by the ministry of education and declined gradually. Sacrifice to heaven is indeed the soul of chinese culture. Hence, I want to discuss sacrifice to heaven to make an effort on revival of chinese culture, which is research motive of this study. The researcher nowadays almost interpreted sacrifice to heaven in terms of utilitarianism or theory of evolution. Thus, they came to a same conclusion that sacrifice to heaven ceremony is a way to consolidate royal power, even alleging it just a witchcraft ceremony and superstition. At a opposite point of view namely creationism and the thought of the way to heaven, this study gave sacrifice to heaven ceremony in ancient china a second thought as well as whole new value and meaning.
