
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 行動科技導入於護理教育之現況探討
卷期 64:6
並列篇名 Exploration of Recent Mobile Technologies Applied in Nursing Education
作者 吳婷婷呂宜臻張磊
頁次 019-025
關鍵字 行動科技護理教育臨床實習護理工作mobile technologynursing educationclinical practicenursing workMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6224/JN.000079




The development of science and technology has fundamentally changed people’s lives and the way that medical systems function. Increasingly, mobile technologies are being introduced and integrated into classroom teaching and clinical applications, resulting in healthcare providers introducing innovative applications into health education. These applications enhance the clinical, education, and research expertise of medical staffs and nurses, while improving quality of care and providing new experiences for patients. In order to understand the current situation and trends in nursing education, the present study adopted literature analysis to explore the influence and effect of mobile technologies that have been introduced into nursing education from the school and clinical environments. The results found that students hold positive attitudes toward introducing these technologies into their curricula. Although these technologies may increase the work efficiency of nurses in the workplace, questions remain user perceptions and professional expression. Therefore, securing patient agreement and healthcare system approval were major turning points in the introduction of mobile technologies into nursing education. In the future, adapting mobile technologies for use in teaching materials and courses may be further developed. Moreover, empirical studies may be used in future research in order to facilitate the increasingly successful integration of relevant technologies into nursing education.
