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篇名 兒童使用3C產品 合理時間之研究
卷期 112
並列篇名 A Reasonable Amount of Time for Children Using Digital-media Products
作者 李玉惠黃莉雯
頁次 028-058
關鍵字 幼兒教育3C產品合理時間early childhood educationdigital-media productsreasonable time
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112003


《兒童及少年福利與權益保障法》第43條規定「父母應禁止」兒童及少年「超過合理時間持續使用電子類產品,致有害身心健康。」,並在第91條規定「父母違反規定,會被處新臺幣一萬元至五萬元之罰鍰。」研究者(2015)探討「家長對兒童使用3C產品之看法與態度」研究結果發現家長「不知道」什麼是使用3C產品的「合理時間」;所以本研究聚焦在「合理時間」之探究。本研究採立意取樣,透過「訪談」,蒐集8位小兒科醫師和11位眼科醫師對「合理時間」的建議;再據以編製成問卷,以隨機抽樣,選取國內「兒童發展」教學者12位、幼兒園教師30位、國小教師30位,進行問卷調查。研究結果:1. 2歲以前的嬰幼兒不能使用3C產品。 2. 不同年齡兒童「持續」使用3C產品的「合理時間」: (1)2歲前的嬰幼兒是0分鐘。 (2)2-4歲幼兒是15分鐘以下。 (3)4-6歲幼兒是25分鐘以下。 (4)6歲以上至12歲是30分鐘以下。 3.不同年齡兒童一天合計可以使用3C產品之「合理時間」: (1)2歲前的嬰幼兒是0分鐘。 (2)2-4歲幼兒是30分鐘以下。 (3)4-6歲幼兒是40分鐘以下。 (4)6-8歲兒童是60分鐘以下。 (5)8-12歲的兒童70分鐘以下。4.其他有關兒童使用3C產品的建議:(1)必須定期視力檢查。(2)使用15分鐘要休息5分鐘。(3)要注意保持與螢幕的距離。(4)平時要注意眼睛的保養。(5)要用戶外活動取代3C。(6)教師教學活動不能依賴電視。


Article 43 of The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act says excessive digital-media use may damage children’s mental and physical health. Article 91 of the act also mentions “parents, guardians or other people looking after children and youth who violate the regulations described in Paragraph 2 of Article 43 will be fined a sum of no less than NT$ 10,000 and no more than NT$ 50,000.” However, according to Lee (2015), parents who have young children at home do not know how long a reasonable time to use digital-media products is. Therefore, in this study, eight pediatricians and eleven ophthalmologists are interviewed for their professional suggestions about a reasonable screening time for children. Questionnaires were then designed accordingly and used to collect opinions of twelve educators in children develop field, thirty preschool teachers, and thirty elementary school teachers. Results of the questionnaires indicate (1) infants should not be exposed to any digital media under the age of 2; (2) the (averaged) reasonable stretch of time children spend in front of screen should be limited to 0, 15, 25 and 30 minutes for infants/children before age 2 years, between age 2 and 4, between age 4 and 6, and between age 6 and 12, respectively; and (3) the (averaged) total amount of screening time each day should not exceed 0, 30, 40, 60, and 70 minutes for infants/children before age 2 years, between age 2 and 4, between age 4 and 6, between age 6 and 8, and between age 8 and 12, respectively. Additional comments on infants/children using digital-media products are also collected with the questionnaires that children (1) should have regular eye examinations, (2) should take five-minute break after every fifteen-minute uses of digital-media products, and (3) should keep enough distance to screens. Furthermore, (4) caregivers should pay attention to children’s eye health, (5) caregiv ers should replace children’s screen time with outdoor playtime, and (7) teachers should not rely on television in teaching activities.
