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篇名 教師兼任行政工作核心職能之探討 ── 以技術型高中總務主任為例
卷期 112
並列篇名 Core Competencies Required for Teachers with Participation in Administration Affairs—A Case Study of Director of General Affairs in Technological High School
作者 張仁家張麗雲
頁次 132-159
關鍵字 技術型高中核心職能教師兼行政總務主任core competencydirector of general affairsteachers with participation in administration affairstechnological high school
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112006




This study is aimed to explore the core competencies required for teachers who serve concurrently as director of general affairs. The literature review was adopted by authors to carry out an in-depth discussion of the core competencies necessary for the teachers with participation in general affairs in the light of the work content, purposes of task, and requirements of director of general affairs in technological high schools. The authors have invited three director of general affairs as the research subject, and have gathered data via semi-structural intensive interviews for summarization and analysis. Three participants were highly interested in sharing their work experience with the authors. The findings showed that, (1) The core competencies required for the chief of general affairs in technological high school were listed in accordance with their significance respectively: professional knowledge and skills, administrative ethic, leadership, administration management, construction of campus, sustainable innovation and individual traits; (2) The seven core competencies possessed by the chief of general affairs in technological high school can only meet the requirements of moderate level. All competencies should be strengthened and upgraded by on-job training or self-directed learning, the professional knowledge and skills in particular.
