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篇名 臺中市實驗教育實施現況、困難與建議之研究
卷期 112
並列篇名 The Experimental Education in Taichung City: Current Situation, Problems and Suggestions
作者 林彩岫游自達陳延興賴志峰曾榮華李彥儀林妤蓁
頁次 208-227
關鍵字 實驗教育臺中市教育多元化experimental educationTaichung Citypluralization of education
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112010




This study aims to review the current situation and collect the difficulties with the experimental education conducted in Taichung and offer suggestions for solving those difficulties. There are three experimental schools under public management, one public school under private management, seven experimental education institutions, eight experimental education groups and 312 persons who are taking home schooling. The difficulties with the experimental education in Taichung include the system for student to enter the next grade school, teacher recruitment, student recognized status, administrative regulations, financial support, teaching field, teaching materials and methods and evaluation. This study invites scholars, experts, practical workers in the area of experimental education and educational authorities concerned to attend expert consultations to discuss any relevant issues on conducting experimental education. The conclusion of this study is as follows: 1. there are competing ideas and methods in experimental education and thus comes with various problems; 2. it is significant that all the participants in experimental education keep communicating with one another for the sound and sustainable development of experimental education; 3. it is necessary to amend and revise experimental education regulations; 4.the distribution of the resources of experimental education should consider the dimensions of non-compulsory education, private good, autonomy and accountability; 5. tailoring alternative evaluation and review system to experimental education.
