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篇名 國小高年級全盲兒童人物繪畫表現教學策略初探
卷期 144
並列篇名 A First Glance at Figure Drawing Teaching Strategies of Totally Blind 5th-6th Graders
作者 伊彬陳亭伃
頁次 011-022
關鍵字 人物畫全盲繪畫圖像化符號human figuretotally blinddrawingpictorializesymbols
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2017.144.11-22


全盲兒童繪畫教學之相關學術研究相當稀少。本研究主要目的為:(1) 探討 全盲兒童繪畫人物圖像的有效教學策略;(2) 了解教育介入繪圖表現之影響。本 研究參與者為出生兩個月後即被診斷為全盲之11 歲女童,在視障專門學校就讀, 無繪畫相關經驗。經過本研究人物畫教學後,表現出明顯的進步。研究結果提出 對此年齡層全盲兒童有效的人物畫教學策略;並整理出教學介入後形成的人物繪 畫三大發展階段,依序為:(1) 自然發展階段、(2) 幾何圖形象徵化階段、(3) 圖 式符號應用階段。


Drawing teaching to totally blind children is often neglected and has very limited related studies. The paper aims to examine two major aspects of this endeavor: (1) examine effective strategies to teach the blind child to draw human figures; (2) understand the impacts and effectiveness of the result of the drawing when education intervenes. The subject was an 11-year-old girl who had been diagnosed as totally blind at the age of two months, and had no experience at learning in drawing. After the teaching of figure drawing, the subject’s drawing ability improved visibly. The paper proposes effective teaching strategies, and concludes by positing three major stages the blind could develop based on educational influence: (1) natural development stage, (2) geometric figures symbolization stage, (3) conventional signs application stage.
