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篇名 以排序最佳化法進行輸電系統負載裕度提升
卷期 30
並列篇名 Transmission System Loading Margin Enhancement by Ordinal Optimization Approach
作者 張亞清
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 負載裕度排序最佳化靜態電壓穩定度靜態同步補償器Loading MarginOrdinal OptimizationStatic Voltage StabilitySTATCOM
出刊日期 201710


由於電力需求及電力市場中各種交易量的成長,現存輸電網路須增強以提升其系統負載裕度 (Loading Margin,LM),電力系統LM 是在考量靜態電壓穩定度(Static Voltage Stability)下,將系 統負載由基載增加至電壓崩潰點(Voltage Collapse Point)時的負載增量。決定系統網路之最佳強化 問題,可描述為一混合離散-連續非線性最佳化問題(Mixed Discrete-Continuous Nonlinear Optimization Problem, MDCP),由於求問題的高複雜度(Complexity),必需進行大量的模擬 (Extensive Simulations)而付出很高的計算代價。本論文目的,是提出一個排序最佳化(Ordinal Optimization, OO)方法,來求解藉由決定靜態同步補償器(Static Synchronous Compensator, STATCOM)的最佳安裝位置及容量以最大化輸電系統LM 的 MDCP,在所提OO 演算法中,首 先使用一粗算法(Crude Method)來處理此MDCP 的複雜度,接著,在所獲粗估解有高校準信賴度 (Alignment Confidence)下,使用正確法(Exact Method)快速獲得其夠好解(Good Enough Solution)。


Due to the growth of electricity demands and various transactions in power markets, existing transmission systems need to be enhanced in order to increase their loading margins. With static voltage stability considered, the loading margin of a power system is determined by increasing system load from the base load up to the load when a voltage collapse point reached. The problem for network reinforcement can be formulated as a mixed discrete-continuous nonlinear optimization problem (MDCP). Due to the complexity of the MDCP, mass simulations are necessary and the computational requirement is high. The aim of the paper to propose an ordinal optimization (OO) approach to solve the MDCP by determining the best locations and capacities for STATCOM installations to maximize transmission system loading margin. In the proposed OO algorithm, the crude method is first used to cope with the complexity of the problem and then, with high alignment confidence of the rough solutions obtained, the exact method is used to determine the good enough solution.
