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篇名 低碳套裝旅遊行程的衡量機制-從專家共識評量技術出發
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Relating Objective Measurements of Low-Carbon Tour Constructs: Critical Perspectives from an Expert-Consensus Assessment Technique
作者 洪久賢廖苑君
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 碳排放套裝行程低碳旅遊共識評量技術法carbon emissionstour packagelow-carbon tourismconsensual assessment technique
出刊日期 201712


在觀光領域中,業者和教育界均意識到氣候變遷對於永續觀光發展的影響,如何在 旅遊過程中進行節能減碳,更是各方關注的議題;此次研究,透過共識評量技術 (consensual assessment technique)(Amabile, 1983),由國内遊程設計的專家學者,針對這 44份遊程企劃書進行評估,透過驗證性因素分析,歸結出在交通、餐飲、住宿、活動、 創意、整體觀感等六大構面上具有節能減碳和創新特性的套裝行程,是為有市場競爭力 的低碳旅遊商品。本次研究所發展的量表,除了供業界人士設計行程,亦可為觀光客在 選購旅遊行程的參考標準。


The issue of climate change is known to most tourism practitioners and educators. In the tourism industry, the general consensus is that sustainable tourism can only be achieved by reducing tour carbon emissions. Therefore, it is necessary to have an evaluation mechanism for determining the carbon reduction performance of tour packages that both tour package designers and tourists can use. We invited tourism practitioners and scholars in Taiwan to evaluate 44 low-carbon tour packages. Confirmatory factor analysis of their evaluations found that tour packages that reduce carbon emissions in six dimensions: transportation, food, accommodation, activities, and offer creativity and provide a good product image can be competitive in the overall tour market.
