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篇名 角色扮演參與者深度休閒、成癮性及幸福感關係之研究
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 The Relationships among Serious Leisure, Addiction and Well-being of Cosers
作者 陳建和葉珊君
頁次 027-048
關鍵字 角色扮演成癮性深度休閒幸福感coseraddictionserious leisurewell-being
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討角色扮演參與者之深度休閒、成癮性及幸福感之關係,利用問卷 調查回收164份有效問卷,以結構方程式(SEM)驗證模式之因果關係。研究結果發現角 色扮演活動者之深度休閒與成癮性有正向影響關係;深度休閒與幸福感有正向影響關 係;成癮性與幸福感則是有負向影響關係。角色扮演活動參與者大多為學生(61.3°%), 而青少年在投入休閒活動的時間管理上較為不足,本研究為角色扮演相關研究中首次 納入成癮性之考量,建議家長、活動相關單位或學校社團團體感理者應注意學生參與 者們的休閒態度是否正確,提供其他可替代性的休閒活動讓學生參與者能適時的轉移 注意力,不致因過度的參與角色扮演活動而產生成癮性帶來之不良影響。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among serious leisure, addiction and well-being of people participant in cosplay activities. This study collected 164 valid samples and analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the proposed model of the latent variables. The study results show that serious leisure has a positive effect on well-being, and serious leisure also has a positive effect on addiction. However, addiction has a negative effect on well-being. It is found that the main participants of cosplay activity were students and it is difficult for these people to have suitable time arrangement on cosplay activity participation. This is the first study that takes addiction into consideration for cosers. This study also suggests that the parents, event managers, or student club managers should watch over cosplay participants and provide opportunities of other leisure activities as alternatives to the cosers in order to avoid the addiction effects caused by over-participation of cosplay activities.
