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篇名 素食餐館之經營現況-以台灣中部地區為例
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Status of Vegetarian Restaurant Management in Central Taiwan
作者 曾國凱陸清達王玲玲
頁次 071-089
關鍵字 素食餐館餐館經營半結構式深度訪談vegetarian restaurantsrestaurant managementsemi-structured in-depth interview
出刊日期 201712


由於健康、環保意識抬頭,人們開始關心食物的來源與内容,以追求更健康、更具 品質的長壽生活,因此素食於近年來漸受矚目,越來越多人加入素食行列。過去有不少 關於素食對健康影響、素食消費者行為分析、素食消費者滿意度探討等的相關文獻,但 以經營者作為研究對象的相關文獻則非常少,因此本研究以素食餐館經營者作為目標對 象,探討素食餐館經營之現況。本論文以半結構式深度訪談方法,透過一對一交談方式, 深入了解受訪者的經驗與想法。訪談大綱涵蓋以下主題:經營原因、食材由來、食譜由 來、餐館經營困難、最想開發的客群、餐館行銷經驗、最欣賞的素食餐館等相關問題。 訪談發現受訪者多因本身或家人素食、食安、環保等因素而經營素食餐館;素食餐館的 消費族群以葷食客人居多;葷食食譜常被運用來開發新的素食食譜;經營困難多是人事 方面的問題;對於網路行銷分別有正面與負面的經驗等。本研究訪談内容以及餐館網路 平台資料分析所得發現及建議,可提供未來有興趣創業或經營素食餐館之業者作為參 考。


As the growth of health and environmental awareness, people begin to concern the food origins. As a result, vegan diets become popular in recent years. There is a lot of literature on the health effects of vegetarian and vegan diets, the analysis of vegetarian consumer behavior, the factors affecting vegetarian consumer satisfaction and so on. However, there are very few studies on the managers of vegetarian restaurants. Therefore, this study takes the managers as interviewees to explore the current status of vegetarian restaurant management. In this paper, the semi-structured in-depth interview method is used. Through one-on-one conversation, a deep understanding of respondents' experiences and ideas can be gained. The interview outline covers the following topics: reasons to start a vegetarian restaurant, food origins, create of new recipes, problems that restaurants face, customer base, restaurant marketing, the best vegetarian restaurants and other related issues. The research found that, for examples, most of the vegetarian restaurant consumers are not vegetarians, the meat recipes are usually used to create new vegetarian ones, and the common restaurant problem is the personnel issue. The research results and recommendations can be provided as reference for the managers of vegetarian restaurants.
