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篇名 漢傳禪佛教之起源與開展―中華禪法鼓宗默照禪修行體系之建構
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Origins and Development of Chinese Chan Buddhism: A Study of the Mozhao/ Silent Illumination Chan Meditation System of the Dharma Drum Lineage
作者 釋果暉
頁次 007-062
關鍵字 慧解脫不依禪默照四念住四無量Wisdom LiberationNon-dependent AbsorptionMozhao/ Silent IlluminationFour Bases of MindfulnessFour Immeasurable States of Mind
出刊日期 201606




After its introduction to China, Buddhism undergoes dramatic competition against and fusion with Chinese culture for hundreds of years. Chan School after the Tang and Song dynasties could be regarded as the most successfully localized school. Drawing from the essence of both Buddhist and Chinese culture, it best exemplifies the characteristics of Chinese Buddhism. After having fully matured, it turns out to be a strong influence to the Confucian- Daoist Chinese culture. When the term “Chinese Chan Buddhism” is used, it more or less indicates the general Chinese Buddhism as a whole. If one studies Chinese Chan Buddhism from the perspective of the Three Cultivations (śikṣā-traya) – precept (vinaya), centration (samādhi) and wisdom (prajñā) – the Conglin/Monastic system is mainly related to the precepts. Though the thoughts and practice of Chinese Chan Buddhism are also related to the precepts, but they are more closely related to concentration and wisdom. The latter will be the focus of this study. “Gateless gate of Chan” and “where the path of words is cut off” are both ideas often mentioned in Chinese Chan Buddhism. There has been many discourses from Chan predecessors, which has been and continues to be guiding texts for Chan practice.However, historically, Chan School talks little about constructing a system of Chinese Chan Buddhist thoughts and practice within the general Indian and Chinese Buddhist development. In this study, a new attempt is proposed. The author would like to investigate the origins and development of Chan practice in Chinese Chan Buddhism from the viewpoint of the history of Indian and Chinese Buddhist thoughts. On the other hand, through studying important Buddhist scriptures and works from Chan masters, this paper also like to discuss whether Chan School, inheriting from Indian Buddhism then transforming to a sect in Chinese Chan Buddhism, has a coherent thought for Chan practice. The aim is to evaluate and cultivate the characteristics of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chinese Chan Buddhism. As this topic is too broad, this study will focus mainly on Mozhao/ Silent Illumination.
