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篇名 聖嚴法師的淨土念佛法門
卷期 8
並列篇名 Research on the Pure Land Method of Buddha Recitation as Expounded by Venerable Sheng Yen
作者 黃國清
頁次 091-132
關鍵字 聖嚴法師彌陀淨土人間淨土念佛法門心淨土淨Ven. Sheng YenAmitāyus Pure Landpure land on Earthmethods of Buddha recitationpurification of environment through the purification of mind
出刊日期 201606




Venerable Sheng Yen, the founder of the famous Dharma Drum Buddhist community, was one of the most important Buddhist thinkers and practicians in the contemporary Taiwanese Buddhist world. He extensively studied Buddhist texts, received a doctoral degree in Japan, and wrote a vast collection of works on Buddhism. Besides the valuable contribution he made to the Buddhist academic circle, the Venerable emphasized understanding and practicing equally, and was versed in Chan meditation and other practice methods of Buddhism. As a famous spiritual master, he traveled around the world to teach the Dharma and guide meditation retreats. Chan and Pure Land traditions have normally prevailed throughout the history of Chinese Buddhism, and the Pure Land method is especially applicable to spiritual practice in daily life, could be adopted either by the beginner or the experienced practitioner. The Pure Land method has often been misunderstood as a convenient means without profound theories, thus shadowing its true meaning of practice. Venerable Sheng Yen had expounded comprehensively Pure Land Buddhism from a broad viewpoint to disclose the characteristics of its methods, broaden the scope of its cultivation, and lead the way to the practice of the pure land on Earth. He had made a great contribution to the propagation and development of Pure Land Buddhism. The Pure Land method of Buddha recitation as expounded by him could be concluded as follows: 1. To enhance the profundity and broadness of the theories of Pure Land Buddhism: The Venerable elucidated the Pure Land teachings from the aspect of the whole Dharma. Through this way, not only did he preserve the features of Pure Land Buddhism, he also founded its theories and practices on the context of the Buddha’s entire teachings. The understanding of Dharma could enhance the religious experience of Buddha recitation. Besides, he made clear the convenient meaning and true meaning contained in Pure Land Buddhism. 2. To clarify the openness and compatibility of the methods of Pure Land Buddhism: In Pure Land Buddhism, there are methods ranging from easy to difficult, and the deep experience of Buddha recitation with concentrated mind leads to the realization of concentration and wisdom. The samādhi of Buddha recitation paves the way for the manifestation of prajñā and Buddha’s establishment. The Pure Land Buddhism should not be seen as totally different from other Buddhist sects in methods and goals. Venerable Sheng Yen dedicated himself to the promotion of Chinese Chan tradition, however, through his elucidation on the deep meaning of Buddha recitation in Pure Land Buddhism, he disclosed the communication of Chan and Pure Land in the ways of spiritual development. 3. To interpret the original teachings on practice in key Pure Land texts: Due to the narrow traditional explanation of Pure Land teachings focused on the self-oriented purpose of being reborn in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss. The Venerable went back to the context of Pure Land texts to offer a systematic interpretation. He restored the mahāyanic significance of Pure Land Buddhism, provided a broad framework for the Pure Land Bodhisattva path, and expounded the correct attitudes towards Pure Land practice. 4. To explain thoroughly the diversity of the methods of Pure Land Buddha recitation: There a variety of methods of remembering the Buddha, each has its particular steps and main points, and should not be summarized as an “easy path.” Venerable Sheng Yen carefully instructed the path of development for each kind of Buddha remembrance with his excellent scholarship and self-cultivation. His instructions, which are of great benefits to modern practitioners, are well-organized and easily understood, and with the power to clear up doubts in the application of practice. Furthermore, he taught the way to practice Buddha recitation in ordinary life to accumulate merits every day. 5. To communicate the practices of Pure Land Buddhism with those of the Pure Land on Earth: Compared to the essentials of Pure Land Buddhism of vowing to be reborn in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss, the main objective of Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist community is to build a pure land on Earth. However, Venerable Sheng Yen reconciled these two purposes by showing not only the advantages of practicing in Amitāyus Pure Land but also the close link between the methods for rebirth in Pure Land and the Bodhisattva path towards the pure land on Earth. He pointed out one must have the same great vows with the Buddhas to be reborn in a Pure Land, so as to encourage the practitioners to follow the example of the Buddhas’ vows. For those who don’t have enough faith to cultivate in this world, the rebirth in the Western World of Ultimate Bliss may be a choise.
