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篇名 從「從戎不投筆」到「超越高峰」─聖嚴法師的宗教書寫與「寰遊自傳」的文體意識
卷期 8
並列篇名 Writing about the Dharma While in the Military: Master Shengyen's Path to the Apex —Master Sheng Yen’s Religious Writing and the Genre Consciousness of his Traveling Autobiography
作者 吳光正
頁次 235-284
關鍵字 聖嚴法師自傳宗教實踐文體意識Master Sheng Yenautobiographyreligious practicegenre consciousness
出刊日期 201606




If we study Master Sheng Yen’s Traveling Autobiography in the perspective of religious practice, we’ll find that the activities of his reading and writing are focused on a kind of life impulsion and peak experience. He once stated that Buddhist literature is very sympathetic for mind, which reflects the writer’s thought, character and learning, so Chinese Buddhist literature should use modern, popular and national writing strategy on the base of religion to reach reader’s heart. His preference for dairy, travel literature and Biography leads to the writing of Traveling Autobiography, which also forms his genre selection and genre consciousness. Master Sheng Yen’s genre consciousness has embodied as the consciousness of the genre form and genre function of traveling autobiography. From this way, we’ll find that Traveling Autobiography shows Master Sheng Yen’s strong personal consciousness, which includes life consciousness, mission consciousness and historiography consciousness.
