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篇名 化解傳承的愛:母女性別角色之代間傳遞經驗
卷期 21
並列篇名 The transmission experience of gender role between the mother’s and daughter’s generation
作者 楊文娟高淑清
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 代間傳遞主題分析法性別角色詮釋現象學gender rolegenerational transmissionhermeneutic phenomenologythematic analysis
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在了解母女性別角色之代間傳遞經驗為何,希望藉由深度訪談回溯受訪者 「母-我-女」的生活經驗,重現其在生活世界曾經歷的生命故事。本研究採立意取樣 (purposeful sampling),選取出生於民國四、五十年代並身兼母親和女兒雙重角色的女 性參與者,透過半結構式深度訪談方法,共訪談七位受訪者,獲得十四份文本資料,以 主題分析法進行文本分析,藉由詮釋現象學方法論的哲學理念與觀點,經過「整體—部 分—整體」的詮釋循環,並與受訪者達到互為主體同意後,共同建構出母女性別角色代 間傳遞之經驗主題為:(1)母親鞠我育我,默化性別形象;(2)走入婚姻,驚覺性別框 架僵化深;(3)性別覺醒時,尋求轉化空間,我比母親更自由;以及(4)去蕪存菁,期 盼女兒獨立自主,活化人我關係。研究結果之主題組型以四「化」作為貫串軸線,闡釋 母女性別角色之代間傳遞經驗從「默化」、「僵化」、「轉化」到「活化」之本質性主題, 進而帶出「化解傳承的愛」之核心經驗本質意涵,來詮釋母女性別角色的代間傳遞經驗, 並根據研究結果對家庭教育及相關助人工作者提出三項建議。


This interpretive study used hermeneutic phenomenological methodology to explore the transmission of the gender role between mothers and daughters via a feminism point of view in their lifeworld. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted as the data collection method. The participants were born in the periods of 1950s and 1960s, and all embrace the mother’s and daughter’s roles simultaneously. Fourteen texts were analyzed by thematic analysis by means of hermeneutic circle. Based on the results obtained from the texts, four essential themes were identified. They were (a) The gender role was forming gradually through the interaction with my mother in the youth days; (b) The astonish of the gender role in the relationship of marriage was so unchangeable; (c) While awakening from the constrain of gender role, we tried to transform new identity of gender role to gain more freedom; and (d) Wish our daughters to have necessary independence and to enhance their further human relationship. The generational transmission experience of silencing, rigidity, transformation and activation is like a cross-axis to this core experiences. The essential meaning of the generational transmission of gender role between mothers and daughters goes into the deeply love to resolute the generations’ differences of gender roles. At the end, suggestions were proposed for family educators and related helping professionals.
