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篇名 一所理念學校建構校本課程推動實驗教育之個案研究
卷期 114
並列篇名 Case Study on a Charter School to Construct School-based-curriculum and Advance Experimental Education
作者 張慶勳
頁次 001-011
關鍵字 理念學校實驗教育飲食教育食農教育農業教育ideal schoolexperimental educationdiet educationdiet and agriculture education,agriculture education
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201803_(114).0001




Rooting on purpose sampling one ideal school to explore the context and process of advancing diet and agriculture education. Meanwhile, the study adopts interview and document analysis to achieve purpose. The structure includes introduction, introducing case, support system, ideal curriculum and conclusion. The points of analysis include research context, the relationship of agriculture, food and education, meaning of diet and agriculture education, and also exploring the combination withindiet and agriculture education and school.in the case of school, exploring context, support system, practice, difficulty and resolving approach of process in diet and agriculture education. The conclusion point out that trinity of education, diet and agriculture is a whole concept.
