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篇名 國民小學教師十二年國民基本教育核心素養具備現況之研究
卷期 114
並列篇名 A Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Current Status for the 12-Year-Basic Education Key Competencies
作者 閔詩紜顏國樑
頁次 038-062
關鍵字 核心素養十二年國民基本教育核心素養國民小學key competencies12-Year Basic Education key competencieselementary school
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201803_(114).0003




The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of elementary school teachers’ the 12-Year-Basic Education Key Competencies. Questionnaire survey were used in this research, and the objects of the research were the official teacher who were in public elementary school of entire country. Out of the 1,224 Questionnaires ,1,135 are valid ,about 92.7% of the whole samples. Through investigation and statistical analysis, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The most deficient aspect of elementary school teachers is “Artistic Appreciation and Aesthetic Literacy”. And teachers perceive lower part of competencies is “I have the accomplishment of artistic perception, creation and appreciation.” 2. The second deficient aspect of elementary school teachers is “Information & Technology Literacy and Media Literacy”. And teachers perceive lower part of competencies is “To cultivate students with basic knowledge of science and technology and information literacy.” 3. The different background of elementary school teachers show significant differences in the current status at all levels of 12-Year-Basic Education Key competencies.
