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篇名 偏鄉校長角色扮演的個案研究:以Goffman劇場理論為導向
卷期 114
並列篇名 Case Study on the Role of a Rural Principal: Based on the Goffman Dramaturgical Theory
作者 孫雪萌謝傳崇
頁次 063-080
關鍵字 印象管理活動區域架構校長角色劇班active areadrama groupingframeworkimpression managementthe role of a rural principal
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201803_(114).0004




By interpreting the role of high quality principal, we can learn better from the model and improve education quality to benefit more students. This article based on the related concept of Goffman’s theory. By migrating it to the education field, we try to broaden the related research field of vision, also benefits the improvement of the practice. In terms of research method, some core concepts of dramaturgical theory: “drama grouping”, “active area”, “framework”, “impression management” are extracted. Based on the possibility of connecting the principal role with them, we conducted semi-structured interview towards Principal S, also further discussed the different role characters played by Principal S as “teaching leader”, “ educational administration coordinator”, “community connecter”, “social server”, inspiring other principals to make clear about their management logical; fully trust team partners insuring that everyone could better use their talents; be flexible and adaptable to different active areas, and pay attention to the “background Role”, which may help a lot to the “foreground role”; and think carefully about the issues of impression management.
