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篇名 分布式領導在學校行政應用之探討
卷期 114
並列篇名 A Study on the Practice of Distributed Leadership in School Administration
作者 呂紹弘
頁次 135-149
關鍵字 分布式領導學校行政賦權增能績效責任distributed leadershipschool administrationempowermentaccountability
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201803_(114).0007




This paper is aim to explore the practice of distributed leadership in school administration, analyze the origin, development, definition, characteristics, types and functions of distributed leadership, to explore the important concepts advocated by distributed leadership and their practice in school education, and summarizes the practice of promoting distributed leadership in school administration. Distributed leadership is often used by school administration, since the gradual decline of the single leader’s authority, instead, school leaders will assign authority to the teachers, parents and students, taking into account the individual needs and organizational goals reached. The practice of distributed leadership in school administration is as follows: using the distributed leadership will affect students’ learning performance; distributed leadership is correspond to the trend of multiculturalism and democratization; open and trusted campus atmosphere can facilitate the interaction of distributed leadership in school; empowerment should lead to accountability by using the distributed leadership; empowerment is achieve the teaching organization; distributed leadership and other leadership behaviors must be change in multiple situations and attach importance to the official leader; the use of distributed leadership still needs to change on the different goal of school education.
