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篇名 提升腦中風病人首次下床之改善專案
卷期 65:2
並列篇名 Plan for Improving the Initial Ambulation of Acute Stroke Patients
作者 陳虹如鄧玉婷張郁琳郭宜宸林幼麗
頁次 085-092
關鍵字 腦中風首次下床復健計畫strokeinitial ambulationrehabilitation planMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201804
DOI 10.6224/JN.201804_65(2).11




Background & Problems: Acute stroke patients should receive a rehabilitation assessment within 24-48 hours of hospitalization. Initial ambulation is known to reduce the occurrence of complications, improve the ability to perform activities of daily living, and reduce the risk of long-term disability. Purposes: To raise the initial ambulation willingness of acute stroke patients and to increase the willingness of these patients to receive rehabilitation treatment as soon as possible in order to reduce the long-term physical damage of the stroke incident. Resolutions: To develop and implement standard operating procedures for the initiation of ambulation (first time leaving the hospital bed) in acute stroke patients, to use health education brochures with texts and illustrations, and to have nurses physically assist patients to initiate ambulation. Results: The rate of ambulation initiation in acute stroke patients rose from 32.0% pre-intervention to 85.4% post-intervention. Conclusion: Acute stroke patients who initiate ambulation soon after experiencing a stroke may reduce their risk of acute complications, increase their ability to perform activities of daily living, and reduce the risk of long-term disability. Thus, encouraging early ambulation is extremely important to improving the prognosis of this patient population.
