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篇名 運動英雄關心行為與關係價值之關係
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Relationship of Sport Hero Regard Behavior and Relational Worth
作者 陳佑欣周建亨魏香明
頁次 147-164
關鍵字 sports relationshiprelational benefitsdramaturgy運動關係行銷關係利益編劇法
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/199553922017091102003




The phenomenon in developing relationship between fans and team sport players has largely neglected. The purpose of present study is to gain better understanding of professional team sports fans perceived regard behaviors from their favorite players and its relationship with relational worth. The survey method was conducted. The participants in this study consisted of devoted fans from the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) as well as Super Basketball League (SBL). Stage 1 the study preliminarily developed a measure of Sport Hero Regard Behavior (SHRB). The pretest was conducted in order to preliminary test the measure of SHRB. Stage 2 a different sample was consisted of 247 participants so as to examine the convergent validity, the discriminant validity, and the internal consistency. Moreover, a multiple hierarchical regression analysis,under control the service quality, was conducted to examine the relationship between SHRB and relational worth. The SHRB was found to be a reliable and valid measure and SHRB was significantly correlated with relational worth. The result indicated that professional players as sport hero with their regarded behavior could enhance positive social behaviors from fans. This reliable and valid tool can be used to gain better understanding of the interactive phenomenon.
