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篇名 市立美術館之民眾參與、體驗行銷、遊憩意象與休閒效益之關聯性研究
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship among Public Participation, Experiential Marketing, Tourism Image and Benefits of Leisure of Taipei and Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
作者 郭彥谷田寒光張邦立
頁次 165-183
關鍵字 市立美術館民眾參與體驗行銷遊憩意象休閒效益Municipal Art MuseumPublic ParticipationExperiential MarketingTourism Image and Benefits of Leisure
出刊日期 201709
DOI 10.3966/199553922017091102004


市立美術館長期以來展示與收藏許多人文藝術價值極高的作 品,為一般民眾參與藝術活動之重要空間,在台北市與高雄市的 市立美術館可謂是城市中美感與美學的推動者,故市立美術館的 民眾參與行為與心理素質,實為一項值得探究的課題。 本研究探討北高兩市之民眾前往市立美術館之態度與行為, 重點集中於民眾參與、體驗行銷、遊憩意象與休閒效益之間的關 係。 透過文獻綜整與理論推導建立研究假設,再用問卷調查的方 式進行資料蒐集,並以統計技術執行數值運算,以敘述統計、相 關分析描述樣本基本人口特性與變項之間的關聯性,再以結構方 程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行驗證性因素分析 (Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)與結構模式分析(Structural Model Analysis)以查驗各項假設。 研究發現民眾參與、體驗行銷、遊憩意象對於休閒利益皆有 正向顯著的預測力,且在整體模式中之遊憩意象為主要關係之間 的中介變項,說明一般民眾在市立美術館參觀時,除了本身的參 與與美術館的行銷的推動之外,更需要讓民眾感受到遊憩意象的 良善性,如此更能增進參觀美術館的休閒效益。


Municipal Art Museum has collected a lot of works of art, it is the people that visit the important show space with gentle and movable skill, Advocate that it is aesthetics in Taipei and municipal Art Museum of Kaohsiung, so idea and behavior of canvassing people’s participation are an important topic. This research uses the literature to canvass to take shape to suppose, collect the materials by questionnaire investigation again, by counting technology to calculate the number value finally. It is the main analytical technology to narrate statistics, relevant analysis and structural equation modeling, can be used for verifying and supposing. Finding public participation, experiential marketing, tourism image and benefits of leisure has related the apparent forward one each other, and tourism image is in mediator of the whole model. rove the people visit municipal Art Museum except public participation, outside experiential marketing, tourism image is a focal point needing to strengthen too, could let benefits of leisure be better.
