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篇名 運用對話式共讀提升幼兒注意力之成效探討
卷期 35:2
並列篇名 Enhancing Preschoolers’ Attention Ability: Effects of a Dialogic Reading Intervention
作者 陳奕蓉陳惠茹
頁次 169-188
關鍵字 對話式共讀注意力繪本Attention AbilityDialogic ReadingStorybookTSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6594/JTOTA.2017.35(2).03


研究目的是探討對話式閱讀對於學齡前幼兒的注意力影響。採用準實驗研究 設計,以18 位臺南市某私立幼稚園的幼兒為對象,收案年齡介於4 歲到6 歲11 個月之間。將幼兒分配到實驗組與控制組,實驗組於四週期間接受每週進行兩次 的對話式共讀課程,控制組則由實驗人員以朗讀故事方式進行繪本共讀。以無母 數統計分析比較兩組幼兒注意力的變化,發現經過八次的訓練後,接受對話式共 讀的實驗組幼兒的整體注意力(圖畫注意力和推理注意力)及閱讀注意力表現均 有大幅度的提升,與控制組幼兒有顯著的差異。研究結果顯示運用對話式共讀提 升幼兒注意力之成效。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dialogic reading on preschoolers’ attention ability. This study used a quasi- experiment design. A total of 18 preschool children (4 to 6 year-old) of a private kindergarten in Tainan participated in the study. Children’s attention ability was tested before the intervention and they were evenly divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. Children of both groups underwent shared reading with 8 storybooks guided by an adult experimenter. For the experimental group, they had dialogic reading twice a week for 4 weeks; for the control group, verbatim reading style was performed. Their attention ability was tested again after the intervention, and the difference of attention ability between pretest and posttest was measured. We used the nonparamentric Mann-Whitney U Test to analyze the data. The results showed that in comparison to the control group, preschoolers who received dialogic reading showed significantly larger improvements of attention ability in both standardized attention tests and kindergarten daily reading activity.
