
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 殺出一條通往國際化的路
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Succession of Small & Medium Sized Family Business Chang Yang C.N.C. Manufacturing Industry
作者 翁杉銘羅芳怡王允中
頁次 076-098
關鍵字 二代接班中小企業國際化競爭策略second generation successionsmall & medium sized enterpriseinternationalizationcompetition strategyTSSCI
出刊日期 201803
DOI 103966/199582342018032001004


本個案觀察台灣傳統加工產業的中小 型家族企業國際經營策略,以仟揚工業 CNC加工製造廠商為例,其主要經營製造 大型海底開採原油機械的閥門零配件。為 了適應市場,企業第二代提出了關鍵性的 策略。家族企業面臨數次轉型,一開始從 傳統加工提升為CNC技術加工,其後為了 提高市場占有率開始進行國際化,透過與 代理商及協力廠商合作的方式,進入歐美 市場。基於過去在業内的良好聲黌,加上 著重在服務品質的競爭,在歐美市場的競 爭中取得了不俗的成績。企業第二代接班 與良好的企業文化一度成為業内爭相模仿 的榜樣。但看似繁華的景象,卻也潛藏著 危機,CNC加工製造產業同質化程度極 高,在激烈的國際競爭之下,同時面臨著 行業内市場的飽和與產品被替代的壓力。


Chang Yang manufacturing industry is a Taiwanese small & medium sized family C.N.C. manufactory which mainly produces valves for big undersea drilling machines and related parts. In order to adapt to changing market conditions, the sec-ond generation succession of the enterprise requires key strategies to cope. The family enterprise is facing numerous challenges requiring considerable transformation of their existing business structure. Starting from traditional manufacturing processes was required to meet existing market requirements. They upgraded Chang Yang’s manufacturing processes as a precursor to entering the international field in order to maximize their market share. Through working with agents and satellite suppliers they facilitated entry into European and American markets based on their previous reputation. The company has an outstanding record in overseas markets. On top of that the business is more service orientated in order to be more competitive with their competition. However despite the thriving nature of the business there are also hidden dangers. The company faces considerable international competition, a saturated market and the pressure of the product being substituted.
