
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 西方模型移植還是扭曲性傳譯?中國行政改革的政策學習過程
卷期 60:4
並列篇名 Transfer to Western Model or Distorted Translation? The Policy Learning Process of Administrative Reforms in China
作者 蘇偉業
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 政策學習政策傳譯行政改革行政三分制Policy LearningPolicy TranslationAdministrative ReformAdministrative Trichotomous SystemTSSCI
出刊日期 201712




This article reviews how the Chinese government draws lesson from the Western world in its recent administrative reforms, and explores the issue of cross-national policy learning for the Chinese government from the perspective of “policy translation” under theory of policy learning, pinpointing that learning from the West in the case of administrative reforms is not simply to transfer the Western model. Constrained by cross-cultural learning, the so-called learning is always conducted with learners’ own interpretation and processing, then reconstructing the foreign model. Learning from the West usually reflects a sort of cargo cult and involves the import of practical instruments. This article will review the development trend of how the Chinese administrative reforms learn from the West and make use of the reform of “Administrative Trichotomous System,” which was experimented in Shenzhen, as a case to illustrate the aforementioned points. We indicate that policy learning started with a self-developed empty framework and tried to search for foreign counterparts to fill in the theoretical framework. However, it produced a “distorted policy translation” ultimately, i.e., a biased comprehension of the foreign policy.
