
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中共東海防空識別區之法條依據分析
卷期 60:4
並列篇名 Analyzing the Legal Terms of the PRC East China ADIZ
作者 張競
頁次 083-110
關鍵字 防空識別區領空飛航情報區主權聲索Air Defense Identification ZoneTerritorial AirspaceFlight Information RegionSovereignty ClaimTSSCI
出刊日期 201712


2013 年11 月23 日大陸劃設東海防空識別區,曾經引據其國內法條,發 表政府聲明。發布聲明後,中共國防部則公告規範東海防空識別區航空器識 別細則。本文首將探討該政府聲明與識別規則公告文字意涵,淺論防空識別 區國際法地位,引述大陸相關論述,掌握大陸對此基本認識,再考證前揭法 規是否明確定義與授權劃設防空識別區,再依法條屬地管轄權限討論授權合 法性,其識別細則法源是否充分,以及前揭法規可否衍生前述劃設作為與識 別規範。 本文續以防空識別區對比前揭中共法規所設立空域,期掌握異同處。最 後討論劃設防空識別區,在無國際法規為前提,設立國內法源為依據作為結 語。經考證比對後,發現大陸劃設東海防空識別區,曾引據早已失效法條, 更在法條上充滿疑義,無適當法制基礎。實難支持劃設該防空識別區,若日 後未補強法制,勢將授人以柄。


The People’s Republic of China has defined the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone(ADIZ)on November 23, 2013 based on its three domestic legal decrees. Subsequently, another announcement of the aircraft identification rules for this ADIZ was immediately issued by the PRC Defense Ministry. This paper first reviews the literatures ever published by the PRC scholars on this issue before further examining the contents of the three decrees for exploiting whether existed specific authorization of defining air defense identification zone and the principle of ratione loci may properly support the jurisdiction of such an action. Was the legal basis for aircraft identification rules of the ADIZ sufficient? Can these aforesaid decrees be the proper legal basis to define the ADIZ and directing the identification rules? Contents within these decrees for establishing other airspaces are also reviewed in this paper for confirming that there is no basis to define ADIZ. This paper eventually discusses the necessity to establish domestic legal basis to define such airspace. This paper concludes that the dates of the three decrees noted by the PRC government statements actually indicated that the editions have already expired. And there is no legal basis for the PRC to define the East China Sea ADIZ and the subsequent identification rules attached. Further efforts of legislation are needed in order to prevent political controversy.
