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篇名 女性休閒運動中心關鍵成功因素研究: Curves (可爾姿)
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Key Successful Factors of Women Sport Center: Curves Fitness Center
作者 黃琇瑩楊文慧張佳縈張雅惠
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 Curves運動中心滿意度重要績效矩陣sport centersatisfactionIPA
出刊日期 201706


本研究以2017 年獲得金牌服務的Curves 運動健身俱樂部為例,針對健身中心 教練、環境、會員參與動機共三個構面,來探討會員服務的重要性與滿意度的差 異。希望藉由研究結果能架構現今經營運動中心服務品質的重要項目。本研究採 用問卷調查法,以台北分店會員為參與對象,共發放380 份問卷,有效問卷248 份。研究結果發現會員對所有問題都是呈現非常滿意的狀況。重要績效矩陣(IPA) 中,三個構面中的問項多落在「繼續保持的指標」,也反映出Curves 運動健身俱樂 部正對目標顧客提供顧客所需要的服務。本研對其結果整理出Curves 讓消費者滿 意服務的成功關鍵因素,以做其他運動中心經營與未來研究之參考。


This study focused on the service quality of the Curves which won 2017 the gold medal service of fitness center in Taiwan. We surveyed the members of the Curves in the importance and satisfaction of 3 dimensions: coach, facility and motivation. A total of 380 questionnaires were distributed to Taipei branch members, and 248 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that members are satisfied with the services, and the average of satisfaction of each question is close to very satisfied. From Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), most of questions are in “keep up the good work” quadrant which reflects the Curves is offering its members what they need. We listed the key successful factors in the Curves’ service for sport center management and future study.
