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篇名 跨域餐飲之消費者滿意度研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Research on Consumer Satisfaction of Cross-Domain Restaurant
作者 謝家豪呂煒琳詹淑芬林威克汪芷榆
頁次 115-130
關鍵字 服務品質顧客滿意度跨域料理Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionCross-Domain Cuisine
出刊日期 201706


目前台灣外食人口逐漸增加,飲食習慣的改變,異國餐廳如雨後春筍興起。 在台灣目前競爭激烈的情形下,餐廳經營者如何去吸引消費者的獲利與生存,吸 引消費者便是關鍵。本研究旨在探討義顧客滿意度跨域料理之餐廳服務品質,並 探討不同人口統計變項顧客之差異情形,採便利取樣方式,發放215 份問卷。所 得資料經敘述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、複回歸分析,結果如 下: 一、顧客滿意度與服務品質呈正向顯著影響。 二、高度的服務品質,顧客呈現滿意回饋。 三、服務品質與顧客的性別有顯著差異。 四、「環境設施」對顧客滿意度有顯著差異。 五、女性顧客在服務品質滿意度上感受較高。 本研究建議跨域料理經營者或相關餐飲業做為未來經營參考依據。


With the gradual increasing of take-out population here in Taiwan, people change their eating habits. On the other hand, the exotic restaurant is springing up., How can the restaurant operators attract consumers to get profit and survival in the competitive catering in Taiwan? Attracting consumers is the key point. The aim of this study is to explore the quality of restaurant service for cross-regional cuisine with customer satisfaction. Also, we would like to explore the differences between different demographic variables. With the convenient sampling method, we issued 215 questionnaires. We use the quantitative methods of Narrative statistics, T test, Analysis of Single Factor Variance, and Complex regression analysis. The study comes to the following conclusions: a. Customer satisfaction and service quality showed a significant positive impact. b. High degree of service quality results in satisfaction feedback from customers. c. There is a significant difference between the quality of service and the gender of the customer. d. "Environmental facilities" have significant differences in customer satisfaction. e. Female customers are more sensitive to service quality. The research infers that the conclusion may apply to cross-domain food operators as a basis for operating reference.
