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篇名 核心素養從根深固柢開始: 以道德經治人事天為啟發
卷期 115
並列篇名 Being a Core Competence Person Rooting on Reflection Base of “Book of Dao”
作者 張慶勳
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 核心素養教學設計課程規劃老子全人教育core competenceteaching designcurriculum planningLao-tzuholistic Education
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0001




This study roots on document analysis and explores meaning of core competence, and then compares the difference between “12-year national basic education’s curriculum general program” and “ Students develop core competence of China”. Furthermore, the study explores educational goal, teaching design, curriculum planning, and reflects how to cultivate future students and people rooting on the above base. Therefore, this study roots on the “Book of Dao” by Lao-Tze and then reflect the relationship among core competence and educational goal, teaching design, curriculum planning. The result revels that core competence ought to start from moral and then cultivate the students to become a whole people. So we must start from person and construct the moral base through laying foundation on “ mind of people, human nature, base on people”, on “cultivating one’s moral character, being lenient with others, dealing with something”, and transforms the knowledge to wisdom. Meanwhile, this study discusses how to identity category of moral and core competence, cultivating professional ability of teaching design for future teachers, Finally, the study also discusses how to cultivate people of combining moral and competence through support system and integrating resource.
