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篇名 教保服務人員 離職傾向之初探
卷期 115
並列篇名 A Preliminary Exploration of Preschool Educators Turnover Intention
作者 劉乙儀張瑞村
頁次 190-203
關鍵字 離職傾向教保服務人員幼兒園preschoolpreschool educatorturnover intention
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0010


本研究採用文獻分析法(literature review)瞭解教保服務人員離職傾向的 定義、相關理論、影響因素及其相關研究,以供未來進一步研究之參考,本研 究經由文獻分析結果發現:(一)教保服務人員離職傾向可從「社會交換理 論」、「個人—組織適配理論」以及「公平理論」進行探討;(二)影響教保 服務人員離職傾向包括:年齡、年資、教育程度、婚姻狀況、薪資、幼兒園性 質、班級數、所在地等八個因素;(三)教保服務人員離職傾向主要受到高工 作負荷量、資源分配不均等社會因素的牽絆。


This study conducted a literature review to understand the definitions, related theories, and influential factors of preschool educators’ turnover intention; the results can serve as a reference for future studies. The results of the literature analysis are as follows: (a) the turnover intention of preschool educators can be examined from the social exchange theory, the concept of person–organization fit, and the equity theory; (b) factors that influence preschool educators’ turnover intention involve age, years of work experience, educational level, marital status, salary, type of preschools (i.e., public, private, and nonprofit preschools), number of classes in a preschool, and the location of preschools; and (c) preschool educators’ turnover intention is primarily influenced by social factors including high workload and unequal distribution of resources.
