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篇名 2020健康國民白皮書:老年衰弱及失能防治策略之進展
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 Progress of Geriatric Frailty and Disability Prevention Strategies in 2020 National Healthy People
作者 陳慶餘
頁次 253-260
關鍵字 老人衰弱症預防失能長照2.0服務2020健康國民白皮書geriatric frailty, disability preventionlong term care 2.0 services2020 National Healthy PeopleTSCI
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6320/FJM.201805_22(3).0004


2008年衛生署公佈2020健康國民白皮書,在老人族群方面以活躍老化、預防失能為目標,訂定以 衰弱及失能之防治為優先監測指標。2017年長照2.0服務實施,擴大服務對象至衰弱老人並推動預防及 延緩失能計劃。本報告針對2020健康國民白皮書衰弱及失能之防制所列之九大因應策略,說明現況的進 展,提供推動計劃的參考。


2020 National Healthy People (2020 NHP) was published by the Department of Health in 2008. The goals for the elderly population were active aging and disability prevention. The monitoring indicators of detection and intervention of geriatric frailty were listed as the first priority. When long term care 2.0 services was carried out in 2017. The planning project of prevention and delay elder disability was promoted. The report aims to review and highlight the current progress of 9 strategies for 2020 NHP geriatric frailty and disability prevention as references for further long term care promotion.
